Lab Fun
Dimitrova Lab Xmas Party 2023
6th Dimitrova Lab Summer Outing, 2023
Dimitrova Lab Xmas Party 2022
Yale RNA Retreat, Fall 2022
A growing lab: Liz, Nadya, Leah, Kevin, Amrita, and Nicolo!
5th Dimitrova Lab Summer Outing, 2022
Saying goodbye to Elena and welcoming new postdoctoral associate, Leah, at the Yale Art Gallery!
Congratulations to Dr. Lauren Winkler!
Celebrating an outstanding thesis defense by Lauren on April 8, 2021.
Congratulations to Dr. Christiane Olivero!
Christiane with a brilliant smile after a brilliant thesis defense on March 5, 2021. Christiane is the recipient of the Spangler Award for Outstanding MCDB Thesis. Well done!
Congratulations Dr. Ephrath Tesfaye!
Socially-distanced celebration after Ephrath successfully defended her thesis on November 20, 2020.
Dimitrova Lab Xmas Party 2019
3rd Dimitrova Lab Summer Outing, 2019
A day full of activities: Hammonasset Beach, Lobster Shack, and Two Roads Tour!
Lab Selfies, 2019
MCDB Retreat, Woods Hole, MA 2018
1st Dimitrova Lab Summer Outing, 2016
The Dimitrova & Van Wolfswinkel labs held a joint lab outing on a beautiful August day in East Rock Park.
From left: Bajram, Jordan, Nadya, and Ephrath. In a stunning comeback, wins a game of Ultimate Frisbee!
By forming a human pyramid on East Rock, we briefly became the highest point in New Haven.